
VMI-Digest - Zanimo

  • $28.99
- $-28.99


When the warm seasons arrive, our animals often tend to nibble on everything they find on the grounds. Quite often, there can be parasites and glasses in the grass which then give severe discomfort to your dogs and cats.

Vomiting, diarrhea and bloating are fairly common symptoms of a bowel infection.

It may then be necessary to go to the veterinarian to deworm your animal and to ensure that it is not dehydrated in the event of intense vomiting.

The VMI-Digest formula is very useful after your pet has been dewormed. VMI-Digest facilitates digestion and reduces flatulence and bloating caused by ingested intestinal parasites.

In addition to dogs and cats that stay indoors, owners can also carry parasites and pass them on to pets.

Soft and delicious, the formula purifies the intestines:
  • Made from calming and digestive aiding plants, VMI-Digest is gentle on your pet
  • Used in weekly prevention as well as in treatment following a dewormer from the veterinarian
  • Liquid with chicken broth taste, your pet will love it for sure


  • Store the product in the refrigerator
  • Follow the recommendations on the label according to your animal's weight.
  • For intensive treatment: Pour over your dog's or cat's food, once a day for 8 days.
  • For preventive treatment: Pour over food 3 times a week or as needed.


    • In case of ingestion of field mice, mice or grass or if your animal has never undergone deworming, consult a veterinarian so that it receives adequate treatment for its health.
    • For any persistent disorder, do not hesitate to consult a veterinarian.
    • Our advice does not replace a veterinary diagnosis.