Health & Wellness


3 trucs à connaître absolument à propos du psyllium! - Vogel Saint-Jérôme

3 things you absolutely need to know about psyllium!

Some natural supplements are sometimes shunned in our daily diet. Psyllium is one of the supplements that are neglected and even forgotten in our lives today. However, psyllium has a host of health benefits and it doesn't stop there. It is a great asset to have in the kitchen for your recipes. D...
Les pouvoirs de la spiruline - Vogel Saint-Jérôme

The powers of spirulina

Spirulina , a small blue-green microscopic algae (due to its pigments rich in chlorophyll and phycocyanin), has been a superfood known for over 30 years to provide energy. The interest in this seaweed is surely due to all the essential elements it contains for our health.  Spirulina is a source ...
Comment améliorer sa digestion en vue du temps des fêtes? - Vogel Saint-Jérôme

How to improve your digestion for the holidays?

Poor digestion is very common during the holiday season. Very full tables, richer in fat and sugar, alcohol and emotions overload our digestive system. It often disrupts the normal process of digestion. pasty mouth Heaviness in the stomach Bloating Stomach pains Headache Nausea Dizziness...