L’anxiété et le stress chez votre animal - Vogel Saint-Jérôme

Anxiety and stress in your pet

Whether it's fear of driving, fear of thunderstorms, anxiety about abandonment, moving or behavioral problems in general, there are solutions for us, your pets.

Unlike our human friends we can't do yoga or heart coherence, so we need other stuff! Thanks to desensitization with a dog trainer or at home and tools such as training treats and calming natural plants, we can reduce or even eliminate these symptoms which are just as unpleasant for us as for humans!

At the Watson et cie store we offer several product options that can help you. Whether in homeopathy, herbal medicine or treats, we have something for everyone!

Here are a few :

EZ rest : Reduces anxiety and promotes relaxed behavior. For all behavioral problems, for example during a move, the introduction of a new animal, separation anxiety, etc.

Calm : Easy-to-use drops, fast-acting herbal blend for nervous and anxious temperaments.

Zen Attitude : Homeopathic product that contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system (dominant, aggressive, fearful, submissive, yapping, etc.)

Calming care : Delicious treats that promote a calm and positive mood in your pet. The Calming Care formula fights hyperactivity and gives your pet what it needs to cope with stress or anxiety.

Come see us at the store, we will be happy to present them to you.

Mr. Watson

nb Do not hesitate to consult your veterinarian for any persistent symptoms