Health & Wellness

Peau - Ongles - Cheveux

Qu'est-ce que la mycose des ongles? - Vogel Saint-Jérôme

What is nail fungus?

You have probably heard an advertisement about it, or seen someone around you suffering from it. Nail fungus is a fungal infection of one or more nails. It can be found on the fingernails as well as the toenails. According to dermatologists, nail infections account for almost 50% of all nail pr...
5 trucs pour renforcer vos cheveux naturellement - Vogel Saint-Jérôme

5 tips to strengthen your hair naturally

Did you know that poor diet, certain illnesses and stress can put your hair at risk? Discover these 5 good habits to implement in your daily life to help nourish and strengthen your hair.