Au-delà de la douleur…RECOVERY SA - Vogel Saint-Jérôme

Beyond pain…RECOVERY SA

Following beautiful testimonials from our customers regarding the results with the use of RECOVERY SA , I would like to let you know more about it, for those who do not already know it!

It is used to treat and prevent degeneration and inflammation "at the source" , following an injury, an operation, chronic pain due to arthritis, osteoarthritis, lack of flexibility and mobility (muscle stiffness ).

It is said of RECOVERY SA that it is simply a miracle cure ''beyond the pain''! Natural and effective, it gives quick results, among other things, in terms of flexibility, healing, vivacity, etc.

And here's why...

It contains a very powerful active complex, Nutricol. A proprietary blend of natural ingredients, powerful antioxidants and bioflavonoids, grape and green tea extracts that work at the cellular level.

The benefits of Nutricol :

  • Strengthens cell membranes and the extracellular matrix where Nutricol is housed
  • Suppress lesions that trigger inflammatory reactions and spasms
  • Increases receptivity to hormones such as insulin, IGF and thyroxine which are needed for repair and healing.
  • Reduces damage and boosts cell repair capacity

RECOVERY SA a great formula to improve the quality of life of your favorite animals! Available in powder or chewable tablets, easy to administer. It can be given to a wide variety of species: dogs, cats, horses, ferrets, rodents, birds, reptiles even amphibians, such as the salamander!

Mr. Watson

nb Do not hesitate to consult your veterinarian for any persistent symptoms