Health & Wellness

Santé Féminine

Chacun son microbiome - Vogel Saint-Jérôme

Chacun son microbiome

Tout le monde a son microbiome, un écosystème incroyablement diversifié, tant sur le corps qu’à l’intérieur, avec lequel nous coexistons.   Il est mieux connu sous le nom de flore intestinale, un « jardin interne » de milliers d’espèces de micro-organismes tellement importants pour notre santé q...
Vous en avez assez des bouffées de chaleur dues à la ménopause? - Vogel Saint-Jérôme

Tired of hot flashes due to menopause?

Hot flashes are one of the first symptoms of menopause in women. Also, they can start very early in the menopause process and continue for some time. Menopause means the absence of menstruation for more than a year in women. However, there is perimenopause which precedes menopause which can occur...
Pourquoi ai-je les yeux secs et irrités? - Vogel Saint-Jérôme

Why do I have dry, irritated eyes?

Dry eye can occur at different times of the year and it affects many more people than you think! This symptom is caused by a lack of lubrication and low moisture on the surface of your eye. What causes irritated eyes? Dry eyes are often the result of several factors. More than 15% of people ag...