Health & Wellness

Santé Féminine

Pourquoi devrais-je consommer du maca? - Vogel Saint-Jérôme

Why should I consume maca?

Maca, also called Peruvian ginseng, is an adaptogenic herb that has beneficial effects on balance, vigor and stress. Maca originates from the Andes plateaus in Peru. It grows in cramped places where no other plant can survive, at an average elevation of 14,000 feet and in an extreme climate. Im...
Avez-vous besoin de plus de collagène? - Vogel Saint-Jérôme

Do you need more collagen?

Is your hair not growing fast enough for you? Do your nails break easily? If you answer yes to these questions, you are probably lacking in collagen! Thanks to Biosil that you can help your body make its own collagen, so you can regain healthy hair, skin, nails and bones. Biosil is a product t...
Le Secret d’une Poitrine Plus Ferme et Plus Galbée - Vogel Saint-Jérôme

The Secret to a Firmer and Shaper Breast

Do you want to improve the appearance of your breasts? Whether for firmer or larger breasts, there is a unique range dedicated to breast care. Discover these 2 unique, natural and effective products for the beauty of your chest.