Quand protéines et aliments verts se rencontrent - Vogel Saint-Jérôme

When proteins and green foods meet

To have access to the vibrant energy of nature!

If you are looking for vegetable proteins that contain green foods, then you will be satisfied with the range of high performance supplements, top 1 at Vogel Saint-Jérôme: Whole Earth & Sea.

Their Protein and Green Food preparation provides:

*A blend of fermented organic vegetable proteins

Pea, rice, amaranth and hemp protein for 21 grams of protein per serving, the purest form available.

*Organic fermented green superfoods

Young shoots of alfalfa, barley and wheat which support the alkalinity of body tissues.

*Fermented organic whole foods

Such as dandelion, cilantro, carrot, kale and beetroot which provide a broad spectrum of phytonutrients.

*A good source of vitamin C

A dietary antioxidant that helps protect against free radical damage.

*A mixture rich in polysaccharides

Sourced from Cordyceps, Reishi, Himematsutake, Shitake, Maitake and Down's Polypore, all medicinal mushrooms.

And even more powerful ingredients!

High performing Proteins and Organic Greens to help you maintain a high level of energy, all day long!

This formula and the Whole Earth & Sea range are prepared by Pure Nutrition, farms of the Natural Factors company. This range only offers 100% organic, nutrient-dense and non-GMO plants. Grown on Natural Factors farms, plants are picked at their peak and immediately processed fresh using the EnviroSimplex process, which preserves all of the essential bioenergetic vitamins, minerals, enzymes, phthyonutrients and antioxidants. The temperature throughout processing never exceeds 48°C (118°F).

The result is a highly nutritious concentrate of whole plants that provides all the vibrant and beneficial energy of nature.