Préparez-vous…  La saison des tiques approche!! - Vogel Saint-Jérôme

Get ready… Tick season is coming!!

Ah those ticks we fear so much. Why? Because they can carry Lyme disease. Even if the percentage of reported cases is low, this disease can have very serious consequences if not detected in time. It is therefore very important to protect yourself against their bites. Prevention is better than cure as the other said… do you know the other? I know him well!!!

The Homéodel company has specially designed a natural product to help us prevent tick bites. A product in the form of drops, Homeodel Ticks and Fleas , which is taken orally once a week. Also during hiking or playing time outside, we can apply it on our fur, against the grain, to have a double effect.

Did you know that our human friends can use Ticks and Fleas ? Yes yes! This formula was designed for everyone , because ticks love humans too! The consequences of tick bites infected with Lyme disease are as serious for them as for us.

We all use it! Inexpensive and non-toxic, homeodel Ticks and Fleas , a must in our seasonal pharmacy!

Speaking of season, ticks are as excited as we are about spring! As soon as the snow melts, they wake up and are ready to draw! The best times are in spring and late summer, when the grass and lawns are wetter. But it is important to continue throughout the summer season because they love to hide in tall grass.

So let's prepare now!

Mr. Watson

nb Do not hesitate to consult your veterinarian for any persistent symptoms

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