Animal Health

Votre chien a-t-il besoin de probiotiques? - Vogel Saint-Jérôme

Does your dog need probiotics?

A situation out of control leads me this morning to talk to you about probiotics, our friendly bacteria. I'm sitting quietly relaxing, dozing between two periods of play and now my little Nala starts to let go of gases but in a continuous way... Well I know that nobody likes to talk about that.....
Nez de neige... - Vogel Saint-Jérôme

Nose of snow...

Glad to see you again at this beautiful start of 2017! After reviewing my columns from the past few years, I thought to myself ''Nice work My dear Watson, but you have to find some new hot topics for 2017 for your loyal readers!'' Here's one… Do you know what a Snow nose is? I am very serious!...
Mauvaise haleine chez vos animaux - Vogel Saint-Jérôme

Bad breath in your pets

Hi gang! I hope you're enjoying this superb early fall temperature, for hiking and playing outside, there's nothing better!! Not to mention the multiple smells… Good and not so good! Which brings me to talk to you today about something that seemed very mysterious to me until now when I saw Cha...