Animal Health


Les probiotiques pour animaux Novanimal - Vogel Saint-Jérôme

Novanimal probiotics for animals

Did you know that probiotics are as important for us animals as for you humans? Against diarrhea, gas, bloating Help boost our immune system Improve our digestive health Novanimal probiotics help support our immune system which is mainly found in our intestines, so it is important to giv...
Votre chien a-t-il besoin de probiotiques? - Vogel Saint-Jérôme

Does your dog need probiotics?

A situation out of control leads me this morning to talk to you about probiotics, our friendly bacteria. I'm sitting quietly relaxing, dozing between two periods of play and now my little Nala starts to let go of gases but in a continuous way... Well I know that nobody likes to talk about that.....