5 trucs infaillibles pour augmenter son énergie! - Vogel Saint-Jérôme

5 infallible tips to increase your energy!

5 infallible tips to increase your energy!

Difficulty getting out of bed in the morning, maintaining a stable energy level all day... Here are our tips to apply daily to optimize your energy.

  1. Consume ginseng
    Ginseng is an adaptogenic plant with invigorating properties also known as an anti-stress. It can be taken as a supplement (tincture, ampoules, herbal tea, capsules) or added to our diet (spice, root).
  2. Sleep
    Sleep enough, at regular times and without frequent awakenings. The ideal is of course to sleep 7 to 9 hours a night.
  3. Take a royal jelly supplement
    It contains vitamins and minerals. Royal jelly increases energy and stimulates the immune system.
  4. Balanced diet
    Eat healthy by making sure to have at least 2/3 of the plate made up of raw or cooked vegetables and 1/3 of the plate made up of starchy foods. It is also important to ensure proper nutrient absorption.
  5. Essential oils

    Added to the diffuser, the following essential oils provide energy and vitality: sweet orange, mandarin, lemon and clove. ( boost mix from the Comptoir Aroma company)

Apply these tricks daily and you will definitely see your battery charging faster!