Nos Conseils pour Optimiser votre Santé après les Fêtes - Vogel Saint-Jérôme

Our Tips for Optimizing Your Health After the Holidays

The holidays are over, winter is here, the cold is here and infections are waiting for us!

Here are our tips to live better this season and avoid frequent colds and / or other infections in "itis " or simply to be in good shape:

  • Prioritize good foods and avoid overloading your digestive system
  • Choose what you eat carefully and drink water to minimize the amount of toxins absorbed
  • Eat more fresh organic fruits and vegetables
  • Adopt healthy lifestyle habits
  • Take the time to savor your meals
  • Exercise
  • Get enough sleep
  • Limit stress, be zen!
  • Drink a lot of water
  • Help your body to better eliminate its waste, with a 15-day cure with the supplements mentioned below.

Boldocynara : digestive support

  • Stimulates liver functions to improve fat digestion and improves digestion
  • Helps recover from overeating

In its formula, we find milk thistle, plant master of the liver which helps with liver, spleen and gallbladder disorders, such as liver, kidney or spleen congestion, gallstones, as well as pain. and swelling in the liver.

Molkosan : promotes the maintenance of a healthy intestinal flora (from the lactofermentation of whey)

  • Restores the body's natural acid-base balance by normalizing the pH of the digestive system
  • Reduces bloating and improves intestinal transit
  • Stimulates and balances metabolism

Nettle : used daily as a diuretic to help increase urinary volume and flow and to irrigate the urinary tract without demineralising.


* Add to 1.5 liters of water and drink throughout the day.

Good winter cure

Tags: Détox, Digestion